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These 10 Boy Mom “Musts” Will Make You Bust A Gut

These 10 Boy Mom “Musts” Will Make You Bust a Gut

These 10 Boy Mom “Musts” Will Make You Bust a Gut

She says prior to being a mom of four boys, she was a total girl’s girl. Makeup, exfoliation, perfume, cute shoes. Fruity drinks instead of whiskey shots. Risk breaking a nail? No way. Bugs and worms: eww.

So if you’re pregnant with a baby boy, or know someone who is, or have a very young boy that’s still more babyish than boyish, Rita’s compiled a list of helpful prerequisites to being a boy’s mom. You’re welcome.

#5 made me laugh because people do indeed tell me this ALL.THE.TIME.

You must not be surprised at drama. I wish I had a dollar for every time someone told me, “Oh, you’re so lucky – boys are way less dramatic than girls.” … Really? Because my boys are as dramatic as they come. There is plenty of stomping, eye rolling, sobbing, shouting, door slamming, and general sassiness going on around this piece. I don’t know why everybody thinks boys are naturally easy-going, respectful, agreeable creatures. It must be because my sons’ dramatic outbursts are over “legit” things … like me not letting them use my good earphones, or getting relegated to “Player 2” on the XBox. Right? Recently, my eight-year-old “hated this house and all his brothers” after a burping contest escalated. And after tripping over his shoelace, my Kindergartner flattened himself out on the floor and wailed, complete with tears, “This world is too dangerous for someone like meeeeeee!”

Don’t ever let someone tell you that you’re lucky because boys aren’t dramatic. Seriously. They have no idea.

Bringing Up Boys – Ages 6 – 12 

While I don’t have any boys this age myself, I know a lot of you guys do! Hope today’s Listen with Heidi St. John is relatable and beneficial!

Do you wonder if your boys are listening to you?  We wonder the same thing!    Boys between the ages of six and twelve can be a bundle of energy and a heartful for a busy mom!  These are the “wonder” years — full of opportunity and tenderness.  Your children are on loan to you from the Lord … don’t take it for granted. Enjoy these years!  Join us today as we talk about some of the pitfalls and high points of parenting through these tender years.

Mother/Son Dancing Duo!


Hopefully one of my boys will let me do something like this with him one-day. Looooove this video 🙂

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